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Why we celebrate International Polar Bear day in ExploRussia?

a polar bear looking at the camera

27 February – International Polar Day

Today we celebrate International Polar Bear day!??
This international celebration is devoted to attracting attention to the problem of sea ice loss from climate change which is the primary threat to bears.❗️ What can ordinary people do to help save polar bears? So, it can be as simple as turning down your thermostat or driving less. As for our input, we give priority to public transport (where available) and optimize the itinerary to reduce the carbon footprint.??

a man holding a sign

A Polar bear day is especially dear to us and plays a significant role in ExploRussia.? You can see ExploBear on our logo. ? Generally Eurasian brown bear used to be a symbol of Russia. Our ExploBear is white and blue.⚪️?
⚪️White –  We call polar bears simply white bears in Russia. They live all along the Arctic coast from Murmansk in the west to Chukotka in the east. Continuing the subject that in Russia everything is huge, Polar bear is the biggest bear in the world.?
?Blue –  from a color psychology perspective, blue is reliable and responsible. We respect “Cape Town Declaration on Responsible Tourism” where it is stated that responsible tourism creates better places for people to live in and better places to visit. We care for the environment. We care for the communities. We promote responsible behaviors.
What’s more specific about white bears?  White bears do not hibernate to conserve energy and stay warm.? The same as ExploBear, he does not hibernate in winter and works actively all year round to create extraordinary trips for travelers from all the world, who are interested in getting to know Russia.???
Look at our cute ExploBear, he is kind, friendly and hospitable to help travelers discover Russia’s historical sights, stunning nature and the modern face of Russia, full of creative people and positive vibes.?
Let’s wish him long life full of high performance, new experiences and lots of tourists worldwide. ??

a person skiing down a mountain